Facilities Focused Giving

With its iconic tower and pink sandstone construction, Altgeld Hall is one of the most easily recognized buildings on campus and is a bridge between the College of Engineering to the north and the Main Quad to the south.

An investment in these spaces will directly benefit thousands of students and faculty members. The renovation will provide students and faculty collaborative spaces that are essential for learning and discovery in the 21st century. It will make both buildings accessible to all students.

The University of Illinois is embarking on a project to restore and renovate Altgeld Hall and replace Illini Hall with a new state-of-the art classroom and research facility. Funds from the state, campus, and private donors will support the projected $100 million cost of the project. We invite you to partner with other alumni and friends to build the future for our campus and its students.

For more information about the renovations, please visit the campaign website http://altgeldillini.illinois.edu/


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Fund for Altgeld and Illini Halls

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