Faculty-Focused Giving

Your support of our outstanding faculty enables them to do what they do best: generate exciting activity, support young scholars, and solve tomorrow's problems today.

The activities supported by faculty endowments contribute profoundly to all aspects of the department's mission by putting resources directly in the hands of faculty so they can focus on the research and teaching that they do best.

Chairs and Professorships support the research and teaching of leading mathematical scholars, mathematicians who have shown that they have an on-going transformative effect on the subject and on their students and colleagues.

Faculty Named Scholar positions are a powerful investment in exciting faculty, providing them with generous support at a critical time in their careers. These positions will help us recruit junior faculty, where we do most of our hiring.

Visiting Positions will bring leading mathematicians to the department for an extended period of time, so that we can have a constant influx of scholars bringing with them energy and new ideas.

What does it cost to endow a position?

  • $2,000,000 (minimum) for an Endowed Chair
  • $1,000,000 to endow a Visiting Faculty position
  • $500,000 (minimum) for an Endowed Professorship
  • $125,000 to endow a Faculty Named Scholar

Gifts in smaller amounts are also welcome, as they will earn interest until the balance grows to the level needed to create an endowment.

Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Visiting Professor in Mathematics

This endowed fund supports semester-long visits of distinguished mathematicians to our department where they can share their expertise with faculty and students while they are in residence at Illinois.

Fund ID
Gift Amounts

To make a gift, select the amount for the fund(s) you wish to support, then click the “Continue” button below. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation’s secure online giving site for your personal and credit card information. To clear all inputs and selections click "Start over."

Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Visiting Professor in Mathematics

This endowed fund supports semester-long visits of distinguished mathematicians to our department where they can share their expertise with faculty and students while they are in residence at Illinois.

Gift amount
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